On Monday 28th January, a volunteer from Blackpool Reform Jewish Congregation Synagogue led an informative assembly for all pupils. They were taught about the similarities and differences between Judaism and Christianity. Pupils were also shown a range of religious artifacts such as the dreidel (spinning top), the Havdalah candle (ceremonial candle), kippah (skullcap), menorah (Hannukah candelabra), siddur (prayer book) and mezuzah (prayer box). The children were very surprised to learn that when writing out the Word of God (Torah) on a scroll, even one small mistake would cause the scroll to be disposed of and rewritten. Much relief was felt in the hall when they were reminded that when they make a mistake in their writing, they don't have to start it from the beginning again! To hand-write the Torah would take eighteen months if it was written for eight hours a day, five days a week, with no mistakes! Thank you to BRJC for giving up their time to share their faith and culture with us.