What does RE look like at St Bernadette’s’



I have come so that they may have life and have it to the full

John 10: Chapter 10. V 10.



We are a Catholic school and we are committed to the Catholic Faith, recognising and valuing every individual as special and unique in the image and likeness of God.


Religious Education at St Bernadette’s respects and promotes each child’s innate capacity for wonder, awe, reverence and spirituality. Our Religious Education curriculum leads our children to aspire not to have more, but to be more. Children are taught about God’s love, about their Christian responsibilities and are provided with experiences of church, Catholic and Christian traditions. They are also taught to be respectful and understanding of people and traditions from other faith backgrounds. Through Religious Education our children learn about their unique place within the home, school and parish community.


As part of our learning and understanding, we have special celebration days throughout the year that we love to celebrate and share.  Traditionally, we celebrate the feast of St Bernadette.  It is important that our children learn about her life and the sacrifices that she made.  Our new Reception children receive a St Bernadette medal, prayer card and treats are a bonus at the end of the day


At St Bernadette’s, we have previously predominately followed the ‘Come and See’ Religious Education Programme in line with guidance from the Lancaster Diocese. However, since 2023-2024 we have been introducing the new RE Directory. EYFS, Years 1, 2, 3 and 4 have been introduced to the new RE Directory, following 'The Vine and The Branches' in line with guidance from the Lancaster Diocese. In 2025-2026, Year 5 and Year 6 will follow the new objectives. Until the new RE Directory is introduced, these classes will continue to follow 'Come and See'. Both curriculums make learning about our faith lively, interactive and relevant.



https://sacredheartschool-gorton.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/2134_1.jpg Home - V&B




Aims and objectives

  • To foster a love of God through knowledge and understanding of the Catholic Faith from scripture to doctrine.
  • To encourage the development of a personal relationship with God.
  • To help our children be aware of and respect other faiths.
  • To encourage children to study, investigate and reflect.
  • To develop the thinking and listening skills.
  • To develop respect for truth and for the view of others.



Teaching and Learning in Religious Education

A range of teaching strategies and learning methodologies are employed depending on the needs and abilities of the children and the nature of the activities being undertaken. Work will be differentiated in terms of activity or outcome.

Approaches will include whole class teaching, group activities and individual work. Children will have opportunities to work individually as well as co-operatively and collaboratively, developing their own knowledge and expertise as well as sharing their experiences with others.

All work will involve thought provoking reflection and discussion, encouraging the children to develop their moral and spiritual consciences.

Teachers are encouraged to make cross curricular links when planning R.E., incorporating opportunities for Speaking and Listening, Art and Design, ICT and extended writing where appropriate.


Wednesday Word

The “Wednesday Word” contains the Gospel that will be read the following Sunday and some points and actions to consider regarding our faith. There are also puzzles and pictures to colour.  This is an opportunity to discuss the Gospel as a family and discuss the “Wednesday Word” which is different each week.  We also use the Wednesday Word within our classroom and often with the whole school assemblies.


The Wednesday Word is linked on our newsletter and is also available to download by clicking the link below:

Wednesday Word online



Class Mass

Throughout the term, each class will celebrate with their own class mass.  The themes are varied and linked to the RE work discussed in class.   Parents are invited to share in the celebration which are held in the school hall.  We work closely with the parish and also celebrate mass in St Bernadette’s church.  Father David is an integral part of our school.  He visits weekly and works with the children to create an atmosphere so our children are helped to enter into a loving relationship with God our Father.


Withdrawal from R.E

The parents are required to inform the Governors in writing of their intention to withdraw their child/ren from religious education and worship. Parents are reminded that our school exists to give a ‘Catholic’ education to its pupils. It is therefore expected that parents be in sympathy with the aims and objectives of the school.


By working together we aspire to make St Bernadette’s a place which we can truly say:

‘When we welcome your child, we welcome the whole family.’


Fair Trade Assembly

On Monday 9th September, the children took part in a Fair Trade assembly which was kindly arranged by Cardinal Allen High School. The children learnt all about the meaning of Fair Trade, the symbol and where they can find Fair Trade products in the local supermarkets.



St Bernadette's Feast Day

Our morning was spent learning about the life of St Bernadette and then we wrote about the lessons that we can learn from her: her service to God, her strong faith and her devotion to others. Some classes completed beautiful illustrations. The work, as always, is displayed in the corridor next to our St Bernadette's shrine for all to see.

In the afternoon, the Governors visited and joined in with the celebration, kindly contributing to a special treat of ice-cream for us all. It was lovely to be able to sit outside with the whole school sharing in the celebrations together and think about how our school is named after one of the most well-known, yet most humble, saints in Church history, who inspired many people by her simple faith and incredible life-story.


Our Prayer and Reflection Area

Our quiet prayer and reflection area provides opportunities for our children to pray and to speak to God and to work with small groups to plan Prayer and Liturgy. Mrs Dowling, our family support worker, also uses this area when carrying out her bereavement counselling - being closer to God.


Lenten Lunch

We are always honoured to be asked to be part of the Lenten lunch in St Bernadette's Church hall. Year 4 children from the choir sang the hymn that we performed at the Catholic schools Lenten Service so respectively and were then treated to scrumptious homemade soup and cake. Thank you to all the parishioners that made us feel so welcome.


Living out our Faith

The 'Living Our Our Faith' board enables the children to reflect on the important events in the life of Christ, 'Our Liturgical Year'. The children are able to use the resources in class to enhance the Prayer and Liturgy and RE taught throughout the year and also plays an integral part of the weekly RE assemblies.




Stations of the Cross

As part of Holy Week, in school, the children have recreated the different Stations of the Cross and presented them in church. This provides not only the children with the opportunity to follow the Easter story but also the Parishioners are able to witness our wonderful work when they attend Mass.











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