Year 4 Learning

Click on the links below to view documents of what the children will be learning.

Year 4 Documents

Useful website links – click the icons to be redirected to the websites


Sooper Books - YouTube


Prodigy Math Game | Logopedia | Fandom Hit the Button Math: Appstore for Android

Spelling Frame - Latest Blogs - St Clement Danes Church of England Primary  School

Maths Games for KS2: designed by a teacher for teachers - Mathsframe

Maths Frame – Multiplication Check Quiz

(recommended settings)


Year 4 2024-2025



Spring 2025

Dandelion Puffs: Make a Wish

It was time to update our art board so, in readiness for Spring, new beginnings and wishes, Year 4 have created these water-colour dandelion puffs pieces of art. We used a wet-on-wet approach to apply liquid colours and watched as the wax resistant repelled the liquid.

Children’s Mental Health Day!

Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed themselves on Friday for Children’s Mental Health Day. Before the day, the children volunteered activities for the class to vote on their top 3 choices.

Activity 1: Board Games

Children were permitted to bring in a game from home to play and share with their friends. They enjoyed the opportunity to engage in games with their friends in a less structured session.











Activity 2: Digital Scavenger Hunt

Mr. H arranged for a digital treasure hunt for the children. They were tasked with photographing over 20 random, or well chosen, objects that could be found from the school grounds.

















Activity 3: Team Games & Activities

Children took part in a few team game exercises during the afternoon. A particular favourite, which saw an ample support from the teams was the Hoola-Hoop Rock, Paper, Scissors. The children also had to work in pairs to retrieve as many footballs as they could without using their hands.

























Fit2GO: Blackpool Football Community Club

Year 4 dived right in this week learning about healthy foods, food groups and the Eat Well plate. BFCCT made the session much more entertaining by bringing along their oversized posters for children to work in groups to sort the foods.

Autumn 2024

Lil’ Christmas Fun!

One of the children were let loose with a camera to capture some of our last moments before Christmas. They did a brilliant job capturing children creating their Christmas hats and having happy and joyful moments with their friends.

Annual Elf Run 2024!

Here is a small collection of images from Year 4’s Elf Run. It was lovely seeing the little elves fully participate in this run to raise fund for Brian House! Well done, Year 4.

Mechanical Systems: Levers and Linkages

Check out our final designs for our D.T unit on levers and linkages.

Year 4 have practised making a small collection of mechanical systems using card and split pins. They have learnt about pivots, levers and bridges to and how to combine them to make simple moving pictures.

Art inspired by The Firework-Maker’s Daughter

Year 4 have been inspired by The Firework-Maker’s Daughter to create these amazing depictions of Razvani’s Lair. The children have used their sketching and shading skills to apply tone and texture to an drawing using a range of mediums.   


Science: States of Matter

So far, in this unit, Year 4 have learnt about:

  • Different states of matter through role-play. Children acted as molecules to understand about the properties of different states of matter; solids, liquids and gasses


Molecules in solids are tightly packed and cannot move around freely.

Molecules in liquids are free to move a bit, allowing them to spread out and, when applicable, change shape to a container.

Molecules in gasses are free to move anywhere, can fill a space and take on the shape of a container.


  • That different liquids have different levels of runniness and viscosity. Children filled a syringe with a liquid, squirted it onto an angled board and observed how it behaved.

  • Using chocolate, they have also learnt about how matter can change between different states depending on heat applied to them. The children investigated different ways of melting chocolate from various heat sources: a flame, hot water, in their mouth and in a closed fist.

It is safe to say the children thoroughly enjoyed this investigation!



Remembrance Service

The children paid their respect to all those who are presently and have previously served in armed forces around the world. Whilst laying their poppies, the children made their prayers and intentions known.


Outdoor Learning


In outdoor learning, we have done some gardening to help tidy up the raised planters and grassy areas. Additionally, we have also cut back the bamboo to create bamboo wands and staffs for Reception and created some bird feeders our of Cheerios and pipe cleaners. Photos will be added weekly.


Check out some more snaps of our Outdoor Learning sessions, from cutting down old Christmas trees, pulling carrots, building dens and getting creative with decorating a tree.

History: Mummification

Year 4 have thoroughly enjoyed learning about the Egyptians, in history, with Mr. Sheridan. As a hands-on activity, and treat, Mr. Sheridan and the Year 4s had a go at mummifying peppers using salt to help them understand the mummification process and why the Egyptians used salt. Children were tasked with cutting into the pepper and removing the seeds without damaging the insides of the pepper. The children waited a week to see the effects, and were surprised to learn that the salt reduced and, in some cases prevented, the growth of mould on the peppers.

Learning Journals: Autumn

Check out this small collection of homework pieces from the Autumn term. Children have really expressed their creativity and ideas well in their work. Additional photos will be added periodically.

We're All Pieces of God's Plan

One of our first collaborative art pieces was to create this lovely piece showing how we are all part of God's plan. The children decorated puzzle pieces and combined them together to make the a Sign of the Cross.

Art: Drawing and Sketching

We have begun our Art unit by looking at the illustrators Laura Carlin and Shaun Tan. Both illustrators talked about how they compose their illustrations befroe we had a god and mimicking some of their work. We applied sketching and shading skills to show tone and shadow. Afterwards, we began some still life drawings using charcoal, compressed charcoal, pencils and ink.

Church Visit - Years 2 and 4

Earlier in the year, we visited our church with our Mass buddies from Year 2. Whilst we were there, we practised, genuflecting, the responses during Mass, learning when to kneel, stand and offer each other a sign of peace. Year 4 were great role-models for Year 2 and behaviour was brilliant.

Gymnastics session

We have jumped straight into our gymnastics unit for PE, starting of with some partnered balances. We have learnt about what is required for a strong, stable balance and how to safely support our partners. We have progressed onto rolls, tumbles and cartwheels, practising safely before having ago at ascending and descending in P.E. We've even been able to have a go on the springboard to mount a vaulting horse on the highest level. 

Check out this video of one the Year 4s performing a round off to descend from the wooden horse.

Science Investigation

In Science, we are looking at Animals including Humans with a focus on digestions, food chains and teeth. So far, we have learnt about the functions of different teeth and are currently observing the effects of different liquids on our teeth. We will record our observations over a 5-day period to see how the different liquids effects the egg shells.

Our investigation has shown us that sugary and acidic foods and drinks can damage the enamel and lead to tooth decay when teeth are exposed to them for long periods of time. 


Here are some pictures of the class exploring the egg after the final observations were made.



















Year 4 2023-2024


Stations of the Cross

Each of the station retell part of Jesus' Passion (His suffering and death) through images and words. Today we followed these stages and discussed the journey that Jesus took and reflected upon them and remembered. The Stations are more than the retelling of a story; they are a prayerful participation in the the event that lies at the heart of Christianity - Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection.  

Y4 Stations of the cross 24










Lenten Assembly - The Last Supper

Today we shared the story of The Last Supper with the school in our assembly. We followed the journey of Jesus in Holy Week, washing the feet of his disciples, the origins of the Eucharist and His betrayal by Judas. Mrs KP was incredibly proud of how well we told the story and the respectful way in which we did it.

Y4 Lenten Assembly 24











What do you like to listen to? Music Homework

Our homework this half term was to write and share our favourite music and musicians with each other. We had some fantastic projects with some ingenious instruments! We were treated to a quiz on Ed Sheeran and a Muse Tribute Artist. We ranged from Queen to Taylor Swift (via Michael Jackson and The Backstreet Boys!) Here are some of the projects.

Y4 Homework - Music































Forest School 22nd March 24

Our final forest school session before Mrs Topping leaves. It was a sad day but we certainly made the most of it. We began with delicious apple dough balls fried on the fire as well as perfectly popped popcorn with Mrs T's ingenious popcorn machine. As we waited for them to cook, we had an impromptu campfire sing which included some Christmas songs, Easter hymns and a brilliant rendition of Si Njay Njay Njay! We may have all auditioned for the choir at the same time...

Then it was on to spending time and makind memories with our friends. Today we continued to make log pets, build dens, make delicious concoctions in the mud kitchen and a little bit of maintenance on Mud Island. A couple of highlights were seeing a frog in the pond area and the creation of a boat to sail in the moat! We finished off we a hot chocolate in the fire circle. 

We also made Mrs Topping a sign of some of our favourite moments to share with her as a lasting memory of us and to say a BIG thank you! We will miss you!

Y4 Forest School 22.3.24






















































































Science - Digestion

Today we 'made' poo! We have been learning about the digestive system and so today we followed what happens to our food when we eat it. It was messy and smelly but really good fun! Can you tell which of household items were used for which part of the body? 

Y4 Making Poo 24

























Forest School 15th March 24

Our penultimate forest school session and today we toasted bagels - or as we like to call them 'baggles'. Mrs Topping showed us how to make dandelions and then helped us to make some log pets. We continued to develop Mud Island and some great cuppas were on offer in the mud kitchen. Lots of chances to build dens, play with our friends and enjoy the mud. A swimming pool was created and a bit of fishing took place in the moat. The session ended with a mug of hot chocolate!

Y4 Forest School 15.3.24












































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